MAFIA blog: Transparant scherm

Transparant scherm

At 05:58, Anonymous Anoniem said...

Simple how-to make a "tranparent" screen:

1. Put your note in a fix local;
2. Close the LCD and take a shot from the notebook level;
3. Open the lcd.
4. Tranfer u picture to notebook and make a wallpaper.
5. Open the LCD and take other picture in same angle.

Enjoy ;) 

Posted by Bharrabhaz

At 06:42, Anonymous Anoniem said...

Simple how-to make a "tranparent" screen:

1. Put your note in a fix local;
2. Close the LCD and take a shot from the notebook level;
3. Open the lcd.
4. Tranfer u picture to notebook and make a wallpaper.
5. Open the LCD and take other picture in same angle.

Enjoy ;)

Posted by Bharrabhaz


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